
Name: Serena
Birthday: 15th August 19xx

A girl who
1. enjoys the company of friens.
2. loves listening to sad love songs.
3. loves the seaside.
4. likes cute stuff/electronic gadgets.
5. hates being ignored.
6. dislikes being taken for granted.
7. hates the smell of cigarette smoke.
8. dislikes taking initiative all the time.
9. tends to be quiet at 1st x.x
10.can be very talkative @ times
In short, I am


  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • ♥ The Time

    ♥ Talk To Me

    ♥ Da Song

    Wo She Bu De 我舍不得 (Demo 版) - Hagen Tan 陈孟奇
    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    Today went to client's place :( carry labtop, my bag and a paper bag. So heavy! At client's place, carry lots of files, record lots of transactions..my hand aches! T_______T The cab fare to and fro very expensive wor. Nearly 20 dollar per trip..tomorrow going again..hope can claim..wana cry..still got so much arbuay record..haven ans client's queries..and the dreaded journal entries and schedules! The tings I hate most when doing accounts. Rawr!

    Lala..Love the family photos. Tx Dazey for helping mi to scan them <3
    One whole big family:~ [ Father's side ]

    With my family and grandparents :)

    My family:~

    =X One word - Tired! :(

    8:13 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    Yesterday went to collect the family photos..yea..finally! COLLECTED THEM! :X after so many months..shheessh..and not cheap too == 8R foto 130 dollars..After that, my family, YJ and relatives gathered to eat dinner together wif ah ma and ah gong to celebrate ah gong's birthday. Then went to his house after dinner to have cake cutting session. Counting the candles on my ah gong's birthday cake..he is 88 year old this year..hope ah gong enjoyed himself yesterday.

    Monday 8pm channel 8 show never fails to jerk the tears out of mi. It juz makes us realise how fortunate we are compared to others..Today's real life story made my tears flow again. Though today's episode was not as unfortunate compared to the previous family shown, it still moved my heart.

    The family of 3 had a tough time getting by..father had hereditary diabettes and had to amputate his left leg. Being one legged made it tough for him to move around and no one wanted to hire him. He could onli sell newspapers to make ends meet. When it rained, his earnings became less..he could onli bring home about 200 dollars a day.

    His wife, after having a fall from her wheelchair, pushed by her 5 yr old kid then, never walked again since then. This phobia of standing up again..remains in her heart and mind. To her, she does not have the courage to stand up animore..Her trust in her family members that they will not let her fall again was no longer there. She spends her whole life on her bed. Shyts, urines, eats and bathes on her bed..never stepping down from her bed.

    Her kid, now onli 9 yr old, takes care of the household chores, clears her mother's waste, cooks for the family. With this burden on this sensible child, she was still academically strong. She never complains and even helps out at her father's roadside newspaper stall.

    The show oso showed volunteers helping to clean up their house, make it a tidier place for them to live in and to help them in every wae they can. During the show, wad made mi feel disgusted is the blackness in people's hearts. Not onli was their gas cylinder stolen, their 30 cans of donated food were oso stolen. I wonder where has the conscience of these theives gone to? Totally heartless.

    Really admire the child's sensibility and her patience..I hope her mother will remove the fear in her soon..remove that phobia and her stubborness..To be able to forget wad happened in the past is not easy..this relates to love too..to be able to forget takes alot of courage and determination..shutting that door is easy..opening it again is often hard..it is reali hard...

    Shares the badge that Den gave mi, wif her. :)

    Yup..kinda afraid of going to client's place on Wednesday..so Den drew this for mi. The "bu pa" badge :) tx Den..

    Sometimes, little actions mean alot. No nid for expensive stuffs or big actions juz to show ur care and concern. The few words of encouragement, the shoulder to lean on ,the time and efforts you spend on someone..the want rather than need..they are wad matter most...at least thats how i feel..

    lol. Does anione bother? Do you bother? Or is that more important?

    Feeling down..I need my pillar...I miss my pillar....

    11:17 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, November 15, 2008

    Finally updating my blog after quite some time of non updates..though with noting much in mind to blog about. =X Yea, as usual, busy wif work, and hadnt quite been in the mood for studies..no matter wad, got to force restless mi to sit glued to my chair and study! :(

    Tomorrow is Eileen's bdae!

    Happy bdae to Eileen!~ Hope you grow in wisdom, become prettier and gain fats! Though I cant understand y u can go out and eat so much and yet..still is so skinny! Rawr!

    Aniwae, happy bdae hor, and save up ur $$ to marry=X Make a wish, do include the wish that Happy will be more obedient. *F3*

    This is wad we got for Eileen.

    I love precious moments. So cute and adorable!

    Tomorrow evening got to eat dinner wif my grandparents, my family and relatives to celebrate my ahgong's bdae..he's older again by one year..=\ Wonder how much I will dread bdaes when I am at his age.

    Happy has become nottier and nottier these days. He BITES! and his bites are damn painful. You can feel his teeth crushing ur bones..Everyone in the family is afraid of him now. He is juz like a little white tiger, like wad Charlene calls him. And he is a smart little fella. He even surveys the cage before deciding wad is his next step, seemingly finding for an escape route so that he can still escape after eating the food we use to lure him back into his cage. This smart little fella gets VERY aggressive when he senses that you are going to put him back into his prison. But if we dun put him back, he will pee and shyt everywhere! He is getting out of hand... :(

    [ 12.42 pm ]

    I cant help comparing. I cant help feeling moody.
    A want and a need to..there's a difference.

    9:49 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, November 10, 2008


    I remembered how sian I felt when my colleague changed her handphone to the same model and the same colour as mine...after she saw my handphone and fell in love with it. After that, I bought a new handphone.

    I remembered how sian I felt when I brought the beibei piggie radio that eileen bought for my bdae to office. Proudly I showed it off to my colleagues. And guess wad? My colleague took out a white one from her drawer, the colleague behind mi has one too of a different colour. Haiz...And I felt sian.

    I remembered how sian I felt when both of those colleagues oso have the same handphone pouch as mi! Not to sae Eileen has it too, and I din noe she has one..until I bought it and she saw it.

    Saw Eileen's handphone and fell in love with it. BUT after hesitating for quite a while, I still decided not to get that model and got the Samsung one instead cuz both she and even KG have that model.

    And now..Eileen has juz gotten a Vaio labtop..my dream labtop. KG has bought it for her coming bdae as a bdae present. Haiz. Had been wanting to get that...but din cuz YJ had wanted mi to save money back then, and since the functions are the same..haiz..Now I felt sian cuz I like it alot..and now.. :(

    Thats mi..I wana be unique. I wan to be the among the 1st to have something..or at least be among the 1st among the people i noe, to have something. That explains the a cash lying in my account for after patch purpose. I like the feeling of security too. Hardly will get something someone else has, unless I reali like it so much.

    Haha..Am I difficult to please? ><

    Feeling in the lowest of moods now.....I miss that frien so much. A frien that had been there for mi the past year..

    11:49 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, November 8, 2008

    Haha.. Settled one considered relatively easy accounts job on my own..it was quite challenging for mi though, coz din reali have experience in this area, as in full sets of accounts and I had onli been briefed once on this job. While hard at work on this accounts job, I could hear my senior sitting somewhere behind mi, also doing accounts at that time saying something. So I turned my head and looked at her, and she luffed. " Trying to figure out something.." She explained.. Not long later, Angel, oso doing accounts at that time, oso talked to herself. I found myself, unintentionally, talking to myself too...which I dun do when I was doing payroll..and something which I dun c those doing payroll do too.

    These are my conclusions of people who do accounts.. =X
    1) Talk to themselves
    2) End up wif messy hair at the end of the day
    3) Have eyebags --- added by my colleague
    4) Have backaches

    Quite true rite, Den? lol. At least thats wad I conclude in my working environment.

    Sometimes, I wonder how people can turn out to be so damn irritating. I guess those people are either too free or have noting better to do. Called everyone she can get hold and are on talking terms to, and kept calling our house fone nonstop. Its so damn irritating.
    *Offs the house fone* At least there's peace..for the moment :)

    3:12 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, November 3, 2008

    On Halloween Day..31 October 08, a not so close colleague bought everyone on our level a gift each. :) The gift was a surprise and so cuteee! ^^ So sweet of her =P

    Came home after work and saw this on little Dazey's bed. So cute! So took a foto of it. =X

    Finally settled my leave planning today...Studies..Exam...argghhh..then short getaway..hoho..After holiday in 1st week of Dec..then busy busy week..Nid to rush accounts! RAWR! My supervisor so good life..can ping ming clear her leave..she taking leave from 15th Dec onwards..coming back onli in January :( I wish I have so many leaves like her too..sobz.

    Today bought this luggage bag after work. No nid to borrow from my daddy liao. :X Then Eileen saw it and her reaction was to scream ==" I tot she bought the same bag as mi == She said she saw it on Xiaxue's blog. Chey!

    Okay..noting much to update liao..update when I have tings to say. Meanwhile, busy busy week for mi!

    *HATES* start of the month especially! GRR..

    8:51 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena