
Name: Serena
Birthday: 15th August 19xx

A girl who
1. enjoys the company of friens.
2. loves listening to sad love songs.
3. loves the seaside.
4. likes cute stuff/electronic gadgets.
5. hates being ignored.
6. dislikes being taken for granted.
7. hates the smell of cigarette smoke.
8. dislikes taking initiative all the time.
9. tends to be quiet at 1st x.x
10.can be very talkative @ times
In short, I am


  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • ♥ The Time

    ♥ Talk To Me

    ♥ Da Song

    Wo She Bu De 我舍不得 (Demo 版) - Hagen Tan 陈孟奇
    Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    Tings I bought from Gold Coast. ^^ Gave all my colleagues each a box of chocolates and for the girls (placenta cream), guys (gingerbreadman) =D I told them I bought the cream for all the girls in our team and best to test on their hands 1st. Jokingly said"scarely all the girls one day din come to work, shi wo hai de!" Then they added, " U sure the chocolates not made in China ar? Later all the girls either bo come work, arbo wear masks to cover the pimples on the face!" F3 lol. They hor, horrible leh, buy tings for them still suan mi! GRR..lol. Then E asked," wad u get for laoban ar? got buy cream for him a not?.....aiyo..y bo buy for him? should Pxxsxn him more mah!" lols..cruel E!

    Then ar, today my supervisor treated some of us in the team lunch..cuz our colleague's last day at work today.. Then I asked one of my colleagues, "wad are we going to eat for lunch ar?" She jested, " Cuz u din get to go Japan, so we will go eat Japanese food" =X Yea, and we reali went to eat Japanese food. I ordered crispy chicken ramen...the waiter asked mi how hot i wan, i told him 2 chilli. Luckily i onli said 2..the soup so hot can?! Even someone who loves chilli tinks its hot! And they so expect mi that I will go Japan next year for holiday.

    After work, met ms piggie. Juz when I tot I am suan-ed enuf at work, the suanning is actually not over. Ms piggie happily kept suanning mi from the time we met at Raffles mrt control station. Duno where she learn all these skills from sia. 1st time genah suan till so jialat. BWG! Then went to eat dinner, and we ate Japanese food. Have Japanese food for like the whole day today. lol. Before I got off at Aljunied, she told mi, "wait for the bus ar..dun go take cab ar..i noe ur pattern" F3. But I still took a cab home. lol.

    NEO KS! LOOK HERE! lol..if u ever come in to read my blog, this portion is dedicated to you okay? ^_^
    Time reali flies, still remembered the first day when you came in as a vocation trainee. Saw you before but din talk to you then, cuz we were down at 8th lvl. But after we moved up to 9th lvl, thats when I got to noe you better. But time reali flies! Juz when I got to noe you better, you are leaving the company oredi, and today's your last day at work. :( Will miss the times when we can talk practially almost everyting under the sun, we are juz so the same wavelength.
    You are reali good at computer. And guess wad? I did wad you told mi to do today, and now I can open this blog wif the internet explorer in my house oredi ^^ Thank you for alwiz helping mi to fix the alignment of the payslips at the stupid sotsot laser printer and thanks for helping mi to do some housekeeping on my office computer and arranging my icons neatly on my desktop. Everytime our computers have any faults, you are the man! Thanks for all your help. And haha, din manage to go home wif my 2 bodyguards today. From Thursday onwards, I have onli 1 bodyguard left. lol. joking. Muz come back visit us leh. :) Study hard and stay in contact huh huh.

    Yup. Thats all for today!

    10:32 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, September 29, 2008

    Finally my new blog is up. Spent a day doing it up and blogging. Exhausted. :D

    Credits to little dazey and my frien who did the photo that is on my blog banner. :] Thanks!

    Two other photos he did for mi :D

    Finally my blog is done :D SASY blog is officially opened! :)

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, September 27, 2008

    Woots. Sea World. Wanted to go for 100% guaranteed sight seeing of the whales but din have enuf money left and din wan to withdraw money too. The whale watch will cost us AUD 109. Expensive..

    But I saw my favourite dolphins! Love them to bits.

    Top: The Young Dolphin Bottom: The Adult Dolphin :)

    Learnt something there. Twin dolphins born hardly survive and most were either born stillborn, if not they will die a few hours later. Haiz. That is sad. Also, the young feed on the mum's milk for 6 months or even up till 18 months, depending, till they are independent. The milk is 6x rich in fat compared to the milk from a cow.

    Enjoyed the dolphin show lots!

    Watched the sealion performance too.

    The Fish Detective! =p cute performance =]

    It was penguin laying eggs period too. Though we din c ani penguins laying eggs =p Touched the starfish in the touch pool, watched the sharks at the shark bay and had a hard time finding the polar bears who were sleeping.

    Then went back to the hotel and tried to spend the rest of our money. We still had quite a bit left though we had an expensive meal at the restaurant the night before. Shopping spree~ Not forgetting to mention that Australia has many new flavours for chocolates and Subway has a new flavour too [ chilli sweet honey chicken flavour ] Bought lots of stuff.

    (wanted to post wad I bought, but the uploading takes ages..and I am tired oredi == )

    Saw this gold man on the streets. And he's not a statue! Interesting.

    Then it was time for us to head to Brisbane airport. We were there super early so we were trying to use finish the international calling card value by chatting wif our mummi over the phone.

    Touched down in Singapore earlier than expected the next day at 5 am and Mummi greeted us at the door upon reaching home. She looked so happi to c us back home. lolz. And stupid Happy started barking at us. He doesnt recognize us? =[ BUT we love him and miss him anihow. Thank goodness he din reali forget us == Suddenly felt Singapore is so hot and the skin on my face is peeling T__T

    Peeps! I am back in Singapore T__T wonder who missed mi?! :D

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Friday, September 26, 2008

    Warner Bros Movie World wasn't wad we expected though, so were kinda disappointed. The rides were extremes and few. Either they were kiddish or they were too scary for people wif height fear like us.

    Shrek 4D adventure was fun. We sat on the special chairs that rock and wear special glasses. The donkey sneezed and water doplets fell on us. When spiders dropped on the characters, we felt tings drop on us too. Everyone could be seen trying to remove those tings that dropped on us. Haha. Fun and realistic luh. Totally enjoyed it.

    Sat the find bugs bunny slow river ride too. x.x" It wasnt that interesting but it wasnt that bad either :)

    Us wif Justice League and Char wif Marilyn Monroe.

    Watched the street parade as well. Shall juz post a few photos here. (feeling lazy oredi =X)Batman looked cool. Charlene tot he looked shuai.

    After that went back to hotel. Wanted to go to the wildlife santuary but no one picked up the phone..so we had no choice but to sleep in the hotel for a while then wake up to do some shopping. Called home too cuz parents din call us :( And we still had lots of money left in the international card. :X After that went to the hotel cyber cafe to blog and msn chat :D Managed to talk wif piggie, emp and dunno~ Missed you guys! Char was busy webcam-ing wif her frien. =P Went back to pack our luggages and slept =]

    3rd day ended~

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, September 25, 2008

    Morning breakfast at 8am in the hotel. Quite a disappointing meal, considering it is a buffet breakfast and in the hotel. Expected more variety of food, but all that was displayed were scrambled eggs which tasted damn plain, sunny side up eggs, sausages, ham, fried potato =\ limited choice == and fruits that did not look tempting at all. Thumbs down.

    Then met the driver at 8.45am and we went off, picking others along the wae, before heading to Paradise Country Farm.

    The horses there were covered wif blankies! Love the weather. Cooling and not that windy. And most imptly, my flu was gone surpisingly. Was having a cold before I even set off for Australia, but now am feeling pretty fine!

    The fun was juz about to start :)

    First, we were given a map to show where each of the places were located and a schedule to show wad program was lined up at wad time.

    Went off to see the koalas first! To take a photo wif a koala, it would cost us AUD 15, so we decided to take the photo together. The photographer asked who was going to carry the koala and I told him Charlene. He asked mi if I was afraid to carry it, which I told him yes. Hey, I was honest ok? lol. Though it looked tame, I was kinda scared to carry it. And the mischeivous photographer went ,"chhhiccckkeeennn!!! pooopehhhpohhpehh" and moved his hands like a chicken! RAWRR..Char sweared she saw a ball like ting which rolled out of the koala's backside so she was quite convinced it poo-ed. :X haha. Din post that picture of us wif the koala though, cuz we looked ugly in that photo =="

    Look at the sleeping style of this koala bear! lol

    After that we went to c the kangaroos.

    Farm shows started. :) The Aussies reali have a great sense of humour and they made the shows so entertaining and interactive. Love the wae they bring laughter into the show. :D Reali enjoyed the farm shows.

    Billy tea making at the campfire. =]

    Onto the next program. Cody and another female trainer showed us how they chase the cows into a corner and they competed wif each other. A doggie was oso sent to chase the cows. Imagine little Happy doing that! lol. Hardly can imagine luh.

    Next up was sheep shearing. T looked for volunteers which will have a chance to help cut the wool off the sheeps. He was pretty amusing too :) At one point in time, he came down to the audience wif his sheep shearing cutter, looking for people wif long hair. He stood behind us, talking to someone at the back. I could sense danger *F3* Next moment, he turned to mi and did a snipping my hair off action wif his cutter and quipped" AUD 2 for the haircut. " F3. haha..of cuz he din get ani money from mi. LOL. Charlene was luffing her heads off. ==" Then he went onto the stage and held out strands of hair and said," Oops, I cut off her hair ". == The hair did look real and got me for a moment. But lol..luckily my hair was still intact. Everyone turned their heads and looked at mi. So paiseh =X Charlene was busy luffing. haha.

    The volunteers got a present each. The boy got a wig, the 2 girls got flowers and the guy was made a superman since he was promised muscles after cutting the sheep wool. lol. The sight was funni :) I couldnt stop luffing at the boy. haha. Nice wig =D

    Us wif the animals in the nursery:

    Other photos :)

    Had our lunch in the farm. Then driver drove us to HarbourTown where there are many shops that are giving discounts. But I din buy aniting from there. Even had a shop named Jayjay. F3. And look at this shop's name!

    After that headed back to the hotel. We slept a while then went out exploring again. =]

    Went to Infinity. A futuristic 2D place whereby we wear special gloves and "shoes" that glow in the dark. We are suposed to feel our wae through the mirror maze like room. We felt so lost. lol. Managed to find our wae out of that maze and into the dark. It was so dark can! I clinged on to my sister for my dear life. lol. I am scared of dark! Cant even see a single ting luh. As we walked, at times we had to squeeze our way through things that squeezed us at the sides. Then into this room wif balls. Walked on a "bottomless bridge" too. Overall, we enjoyed ourselves! But after this, I din wana step into Haunted House. It is sure much worse than this!

    Ended the day feeling satisfied and returned to the hotel for a good night's rest!

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    Upon reaching Brisbane Airport at about 9 am their time (sg 7 am), we met up with the Door to Door tranport driver who later drove us to our Islander Resorts Hotel which was about 1.5 hours from Brisbane.

    Tired me and Charlene slept through the journey to our hotel. We were told we were supposed to tip the drivers Aud 4 dollar per day per person, but haha..in the end we did not :X aniwae the driver din ask too.

    Free and easy day for us. So after checking in, we went exploring the places near our hotel. We din dare to wander to far away lest we lost our wae. lolz. Learnt how to cross their roads there. Same as Singapore except that when the traffic light there shows a blinking red man, we are supposed to complete our crossing. :) The temperature around our hotel is freaking cold cuz of the winds. I guess thats cuz the beach is juz nearby our hotel.

    Love Surfers Paradise Beach. The sand there is so fine that it feels so comfortable to step on them! It was cold there. The wind was terribly strong but I love the beach!

    Then off for more shopping, or rather, window shopping. Louis Vuitron, Prada, Polo Raphl blahblah..branded names. F3. Definately not for poor tings like us. haha. Even the meals got us pondering for very long. They were damn expensive can! There were many cyber cafes around too, so we went to use the computer for 20 min. The rates were damn expensive. AUD 2.50 for 21 minutes, and considering that Australian dollar is bigger than Singapore's. Juz logged in msn and Belbel msned mi! Felt loved. haha. Then got Belbel to call my father to inform him we have reached Australia safe and sound. lol. They were like so worried for us luh. Tq piggie!

    Finally settled down for some korean food. Then went supermarket to buy some instant food, milk and yogurt to last us for our dinners :D Oso managed to get an international card which costs AUD 30 to call home.

    Gold Coast 6pm was practically like Singapore's 9pm. And their 6 am was like Singapore's 9 am. lol.. and the shopping centres there close much earlier than Singapore's.

    So noting to do liao..went back to hotel and called our parents. Daddy called to our hotel. Guess he din wan to waste our money. Then my mummi could be heard at the background asking questios, according to Charlene. lols. So my dad passed my mum the phone. After that we slept all the wae. F3

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    The endearing sight of our parents seeing us off at the airport was a special moment for me. The fact that my daddy actually offered to drive us to the airport and the cute sight of my mummi waving to us vigourously infront of the departure hall..moments that left me feeling reali blessed. :)

    Terminal 3 was reali nicely furnished and done up. I swear it is one of the most beautiful airport that I have ever seen and am certainly proud of it. =D

    Finally on our wae to Australia on Singapore Airlines. About 7.5 hours to Brisbane airport. The time difference is 2 hours earlier than Singapore and the temperature there is about 24 degrees.

    Ooo! I am excited!

    GOLD COAST here we come!

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena