
Name: Serena
Birthday: 15th August 19xx

A girl who
1. enjoys the company of friens.
2. loves listening to sad love songs.
3. loves the seaside.
4. likes cute stuff/electronic gadgets.
5. hates being ignored.
6. dislikes being taken for granted.
7. hates the smell of cigarette smoke.
8. dislikes taking initiative all the time.
9. tends to be quiet at 1st x.x
10.can be very talkative @ times
In short, I am


  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • ♥ The Time

    ♥ Talk To Me

    ♥ Da Song

    Wo She Bu De 我舍不得 (Demo 版) - Hagen Tan 陈孟奇
    Thursday, October 30, 2008

    Today worked abit of OT then went Bugis and shopped for a while at a shop wif shoes and bags sales. =X And I bought one pair of shoes and one pair of slippers =P I love slippers! Then ate dinner and went to Sim Lim wif YJ to get portable hard drive. Heard Eileen mention that Sim Lim sells S$80+ hard drive. We asked around. Cheapest was S$88 for 160 GB..Samsung de.. This caught my eye! S$135 for 250 GB..I like the colour! ^^

    Then come home try to get the stupid audi patch working. Grr..make mi sibuay pek chek la..Audition so troublesome == And its still NOT working =="

    Recently genah physco-ed to use facebook and play pet society..so created one pet called babybunny! Actually din intend to add any friens cuz I doubt I will stay long in facebook == But well..din approve and add many too either.

    Then..I realised in my ex colleague's (Ivan) frienlist, there is a foto of my poly mate! The world is so small! So I msned him and confirmed wif him! Ended up getting suan-ed like duno wad..and yah la..I belong to the ice-age! RAWR! Normally talk wif him in my ex company, he talk in a monotonous, "si si " tone BUT surprisingly in msn..I actually get "bullied" by him == Then Kelvin, oso my ex colleague who is still working in that company, complained about the girl who took over my job..Ivan complained too...then Ivan said mi and Kelvin alwiz "ai mei" wif her, but he bo, so alwiz get bullied by her (Erm..so chim..I still dun understand wad he meant, though he asked mi if I noe Yang Chen Ling's song..but wads the connection? oO) - Anione figured that out, please enlighten mi. Thank you. *F3*

    Off to sleep soon..

    [ 12:09 am ]

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, October 29, 2008

    Was reading Fiona's blog and came across a post where she posted pictures of cute Japanese food from an email that emp sent her! Hey emp?! Bo send mi! T___T

    So cute the food that after seeing it, I doubt you will have the heart to eat it. =P Why are Japanese so creative and so li hai?! I simply love their electronic products and their cute cute stuffs! I wanna go Japan!!!!!!!!!!

    Surfed the net for pictures of cute Japanese food. :X Here are my findings. Soooooooo cute rite?! x33

    Hehe..Found pictures of Hello Kitty as well! The first photo taken from Fiona's blog =X I noe you are a Hello Kitty fanatic..so here are photos for the pleasure of your eyes, ms piggie =D

    10:02 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, October 26, 2008

    YJ was on standby this week..he was sway on Saturday :( went to 4 places before he can finally mit mi to go to KG's birthday chalet.

    Took a lot of zi lian fotos after bathing =X

    Finally at KG's birthday chalet at aloha loyang resorts. KG's sister booked 2 pool terrace houses and the pool sight was nice :) And KG was wearing the shirt my sister had designed and forced him to wear. =D haha.. this is how the shirt looks like.

    His front view:

    That's actually not "M"..it's actually the number " 21" signifying his age..which Eileen claims onli geniuses can see that it is "21" =="

    His back view:

    EFC = Eileen Fried Chicken? lolz..Eileen meant it to be Eileen Fan Club.. ==" and the "EFC" man on his shirt is saying,"where are my presents?" lolz.

    Eileen whispered to mi, telling mi of her evil plot. When KG's sister brought out the birthday cake, I got ready my phone..Eileen passed her "magic candle" to her unsuspecting accomplice - KG's relative who put the unique candle on the cake. Then his big sister lighted up the candles. No one noe of the evil plot, except Eileen, mi, YJ and one of KG's frien. lol.

    KG blew at the 3 lighted candles. The magic candle had a little light left and KG asked," why that candle still got light ar?" Then the candle lighted up again..and KG blew at it..and the same ting happened 2 more times. LOL. Everyone was amused and KG turned to look at the evil plotter,"MUZ BE YOU..." then turns to "strangle" her. lol. Dun c my sister gentle gentle kind..she has many evil plots! LOL.

    Met some of our RO old friens at the chalet. Had played RO before I switched to audi. In fact Eileen met KG through RO and partly through me and "Winter". Eileen asked mi wad we bought for KG. Then she told us, KG had wanted a hard drive. So we made the right choice afterall =p

    Sunday was a boring day..lazed at YJ's house..then 2 boliao ppl started webcam-ming =\


    My turn to buy a portable hard drive soon. My lappy is gonna crash very soon :(

    happy deepavali!

    (1:46 am)

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    thought of the day:

    9:53 AM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Went to one of my company's clinics at Kovan to c the doctor yesterday after work. He gave mi an MC for today, ask mi better rest at home, so, I was on one day MC today! Then shun bian go visit my xiaogu's clinic nearby. Proud of her clinic :D nicely furnished, airconditioned and her business was good, compared to other clinics which had onli about one or no patients at all, and considering that there are many clinics nearby too. She was so busy attending to one patient she din even c mi standing there! T__T ^___^ If you are sick, visit my xiao gu zhang! lolz. *Advertisement*

    Slept for many many hours..and its making mi feel kinda nua..but I m feeling so much better now! =X now is 1 am oredi..but I am still feeling very awake!! >.< Den's bdae! [ 25th oct ]


    I wish you, king Den....hmm..
    Stay healthy, stay young, stay smiley and live your future life to the fullest ok? :X

    My sis's bf's bdae on Monday, I tink. lol. Later going to his chalet. We bought a portable hard disk for him, since he seems so in love wif computer stuffs. Hope he likes it. It came wif a 3 yr warranty but got to give my sis for safekeeping arbo he will noe the price! *F3*

    I still feel so awake...=\
    oO Den's bro online le! Finally get to chat wif him after so many days :)

    (1:48 am)

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Met piggie after work at vivo city! :) Normally when we go vivo, it would mean going there to emo. But today went there for a different purpose..and there wasn't aniting to emo about. :D All cheery, so bo go view the sea scenery today..There was a light drizzle and my little girlfriend happily walked in the rain again. F3. (Dun deny mi miss. =X)

    Went to the pet shop to get some foodie for my darling. Haha..When it comes to shopping, I can take quite a while to choose tings..hehe..so sorry ms piggie =D So bought these for my little darling! He cannot eat chocolates that we humans eat so I bought dog chocolate cookies for him. Hope he likes them! :)

    Took this photo when belbel went to buy her food in the foodcourt :D

    Then after eating, we went to coffeebean and I bought a drink I regretted buying. I ordered caramel ice blended..but there was coffee added to it :( Dun reali like coffee.. >.<" Belbel on-ed her lappy, wanted to do her RJ..but she somehow couldnt stand her RJ question? And she scared I bored, so let mi surf net a while and showed mi her pet society game? *F3* After that went home at about 9+..belbel wana go home do her RJ liao..

    Had a terrible nightmare last night, or rather, early this morning! Was something bad. So realistic can? I lost someone I love and treasure so much, and I am glad it's onli a dream. I dun wana lose her. She's my baobei!

    Haven reali touched my books yet. Haha..chum liao! Everytime after work, sibuay tired liao. Open book onli jiu "POOM" fall alseep. Lecturer said reading textbooks is a good cure for insomia. lolz. I tink it's true. Shall end this entry here.

    P/S: I love you..the loves of my life...laogonggong, little Dazey, Happy darling <3

    10:18 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Had a fun weekend! :)

    Saturday afternoon met YJ for bowling at Kovan =X We were given the time slot up till 3pm, so we played 2 hours of bowling. Played 5 sets altogether =D The sensitivity there was not that great, or was it my superb skill? ^_^ Many times, I was given "extra" chances cuz the gate did not close and I had an extra turn =D YJ said that probably I rolled the ball lightly, so din sense the ball rolling through the gate. So he tried rolling the ball lightly too. Hahaha..but lalala..not onli did his ball roll down the "drain", he oso wasnt given any extra chances =X Skills okay?! =P Starting I was playing a better game than YJ, but duno wad happened to him?! Later part, he seemed to get the hang of it and was playing better and better! RAWR!

    Sunday was a busy but enjoyable day! :)

    I had wanted YJ to bond wif a very cute member of my family, so YJ came over to my house in the late morning.


    Happy no point disguising urself! We recognise u ! <3

    Took Happy Darling out for a walk in the park opposite our house. .Little Dazey held on to the leash as little Happy guided the way. lolz. And the fur on little Happy's butt and legs picked up twigs and leaves along the way. *F3* After that was hungry, so went to the coffeeshop for yummy chicken choppie!~

    After lunch, YJ went home to finish his report while me and Dazey prepared little smelly and dirty Happy for a bath!

    Onto the toilet seat you go, Happy darling! He's there cuz he's scared of heights juz like us! So he wun fidget too much when we wash him later on.

    Xi suasua 1st before bathing~

    Alrighty! Bathing time!

    "I HATE BATHS! GRRRR GRRRRRRR! DUN TOUCH MI! Touch mi somemore and I will BITE!"


    Bathing him reali requires alot of work, time and energy! Grabbing hold of him, scrubbing him..gosh..reali alot of hard work. *F3*

    Finally washing him was done and we had to dry him using towels and hairdryer so he wun catch a cold. o_O

    A rainy Sunday. Making mi sleepy...Little Dazey and I slept for a while. We were tired out.. Woke up and prepared to meet YJ at Pasir Ris. First bought and ate our dinner, then rushed to buy hum to use as baits for our prawning session. Bought hooks, then bought the package(3 hours + 1 hour free @ S$39.00 - 1 rod)

    Prawning spot:

    Dazey shifu taught us how to prepare the baits, hook the baits and how to prawn. Pulling the rod up when a prawn is hooked requires skill. So let a few prawns escape before Dazey showed us her skill.

    Tadah! Our 1st Prawn! It looks so big! In fact it was the biggest prawn we caught for the day.

    Removing the prawn off the hook requires skill too.

    The prawns are not that easy to handle as they will "GIAP NI GIAP NI GIAP SI NI"

    Haha..I juz watched them prawn and was the camerawoman during the prawning session :X

    Our catch! 6 prawns + 2 complimentary prawns given by an outsider. Not a very good catch though cuz still noobies in training. Then took our catch to the zhu cao nearby. Mai Pian Xia~ Delicious! Yummy! Our catch onli weighed about 400grams..but we had to pay S$15.00 for min of 1 kg..even though the prawns on our plate weigh onli 400 grams. :(

    Finally reached home at about 12 am. Tired out but had a fun day! =X

    Its rainy these few days..and I spoke too soon. I am down wif a cold! :(

    Starting to feel tired after writing this long entry and the weather is making mi sleepy.. it is making mi wan my bed badly!!!

    Everyone please take good care of urself, drink more warm water and cover urselves wif blankies!

    9:16 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Met my sister after work at City Hall. Went to The Cocoa Trees and bought these sinful sinful Hershey's. =X Felt like buying something for YJ to use..but ended up buying this to share wif him tomorrow..cuz my sister's legs were giving wae! T.T Din even reali shopped :(

    Hahas! Tomorrow gonna go bowling! Pretty good mood today cuz today I kinda tou lan at work..supervisor on leave, teamate on MC and also cuz today is FRIDAY! woo hoo! =X My resistance not bad leh..getting better I tink. Teamate has been having a bad cold accompanied wif phlegm for days and her table is juz beside mine and I din genah. Surprising =D

    Got to start planning my study leaves liao. Arrgghh..got to start studying soon! :(

    Hope everyone is feeling fine and getting on well in life! :) Shall end my boliao entry now =D

    8.32 pm~

    Wah..my online frien juz msned mi sae he saw mi at Kovan that day! Gosh..he has good memory sia..So unfair T.T he saw mi but i bo c him before! Not onli din c him before, he still kept luffing at mi when he go up the escalator. Win liao lor!? RAWR..One ting bad about mi is I dun notice the people walking around mi de..but now I tink I muz open my eye bigbig liao! Esp when I go Kovan ==!

    11:21 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Today went to Heartland Mall to eat at New York after work! :X woah..sinful drink! Iced chocolate wif strawberry swirl! :D lol..NICE LA!~ Then eat grilled chicken + prawn fritters :X YUMMY. :)

    Came home played wif Happy as usual. He's addictive! He's so cute rite?!

    Hyper mood today and in the mood to receive and send songs. LOL~ Today is a good day for mi I guess ^^ Found reasons to keep myself smiling today at least. Actually duno wad to blog today but juz felt like blogging. Haha..so ta dah this boliao entry. F3.

    So I stop here liao ar. lol. Thanks to the victims who let mi disturb on msn today. Haha!

    10:39 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    每次想起你 雨就落下来了


    回忆它一滴一滴 从天上慢慢降落

    雨滴带不走你说的一句 我爱你 ~ 21 sept 08

    Was surfing the web and came across this. Something to learn and ponder about.

    5 essentials for a healthy relationship:

    1) Being with the RIGHT person!

    No relationship is perfect. Many people have been with the wrong people though this essential may sound easy.Unless from the beginning you start by being with someone that likes to do things with you, has similar interests and a similar attitude in general, you’ll be doomed to walk the rest of your life in regret.
    If you have two opposing views on every topic and struggle doing what the other likes to do, then you are on a tremulous path.

    2) Flexibility

    Give and take situation. One may like shopping, one may not, but that doesn't mean you do not shop together. Do not keep a score on who owe who. Support and care about each other's desires and needs. If you love someone, that shouldn’t be an issue. Just spending time together should be fun!

    3) Forgiveness

    Forgive each other's mistakes along the way. Even the most terrible ones! If they are too terrible and you can’t forgive the one you love, then ready yourself for serious problems. If your partner loses it and says something nasty to you, shake it off. Everyone has mood swings and if they love you, it’s probably not personal.

    4) Communication

    If something is bothering you, speak up. If you did something wrong, do talk to the other party.Spend time each day talking about your day. Put time aside to just hang out and chat about things. Keep the communication channels open as much as possible.

    5) Plan Your Life Together

    Plan and do tings together both short term and long term.Plan what you are going to do this coming week. Plan dates together, outings and even time to bum around town.Plan some things you can do to get away this coming year or years. And what your goals are with your life in general. By having goals together, the struggles of today will seem lighter.

    p/s: tx piggie for helping mi wif my haywire layout juz now :)

    p/s: sry emp I have been falling aslp these days while talking wif u :X i too tired le..alwiz lie on bed jiu "oh oh " fall "dead" liao.

    9:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    12 Oct 2008 - Nekat Ym Tsrif Pets Ot Evom No..Sti Annog Eb Hguot..Ylwols..

    Finally settled my acca tinggy..settling my acca exam fee myself this time round..hoping to escape a scolding for taking onli one subject this time round..though I noe my dad will find out sooner or later. =X

    Aniwae..plan to go bowling wif YJ during the coming weekend :D and hopefully go Msia for a short getaway in December..(if everyting turns out fine...) but got to work out the plan to fit the short holiday getaway..cuz of my supervisor's honeymoon, work committments..and my colleagues' study leaves..I reali in a holiday mood leh. Dun wan work! BA GONG! =D too stressed liao la! grr..stress dao ki siao liao.

    Wahaha..tmr gonna be damn busy la..my work cannot finish! Chum chum chum. Reali hor..one of these days muz tell my manager le la..cannot take it liao.. the workload too dorts liao == even my mum oso tink its too much for mi to handle at one go lo. ==

    ~Hais. Wondering wad I am tinking and doing sometimes...I dun wana end up regretting!!!~

    9:56 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, October 11, 2008


    Idiots like these reali spoil my day. Start my morning feeling happi then now feeling pissed. Trying to talk and act like him? U cant fool mi ==

    12:38 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Friday, October 10, 2008

    Went Suntec in the morning to do accts at client's place then rush back to office to take the transport together wif the rest to Safra for bowling. Then eat lunch provided by our company. Our manager and a director joined our table. Wahaha. My manager and Siaw Thin ask mi my age suddenly and they were like so shocked == They thought I was still in my late teens! RAWR! lol. Good la like that. Look younger than my age =X Can fool many people! Haha!

    After that..bowling time!Bowling was fun..much better than I expected. Haha. More fun than archery! Cuz archery was damn taxing on the arms! But I enjoyed myself today at the bowling session. =X

    The scoreboard! lol. My team quite lousy haha. Played a total of 3 sets..*DAN..U HORRIBLE BIG BULLY #$R#%T$^T%[ROLLS BALL] STRIKE! =X* ~~ *EMP MR XIAOPIGU! DA HUAI DAN! GRR! [ROLLS BALL]STRIKE! =D haha..I had 2 strikes! :( lol I damn lousy la..but for first timer like mi..passable la. LOL. Luckily our team not the last team..arbo xia xuey! :D

    Then got prize presentation to the first 3 teams with the highest scores. S$100, S$200 and S$300 shopping vouchers. lol. Then we can go home liao! I wanna go bowling again next time! =X SUPER TIRED =P

    5:25 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    After two daes of not stepping into the office.. (bz @ client's place & @ training), I found this on my table! 3 in all for each of us. Thank you KS! =]

    Tomoro morning back to client's place to finish up the accounts. Manager wans us to go for bowling..which means we will have to rush down from client's place after about 2hours + back to office to take the bus to the safra. Sianz. We secretly hope that the client would be nasty and ask us to finish the accounts by tmr, so that we do not nid to go for the damn bowling =X *prays*

    I hate attitudes which I dun tink I deserve. Reali piss mi off. Take it or leave it. =] [ 10:05pm ]


    haha..refreshed and suddenly realised my blog is finally unlocked! Thanks to the human who reviewed my blog and declare my blog spam free. *F3*

    Thanks emp for listening to mi talk all sorts of crap and tx den for listening mi out and telling mi wad u tink. ^^

    Den's bro..my precious frien....if you do come in to read my blog..
    hope you are doing fine..Miss talking to you..You should be busy at work as usual..but do remember not to overwork yea? Take good care..hope to talk to you soon..and all the best to your future..=] The best memories will never be forgotten.

    10:34 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    Came home yesterday after a tired day of working overtime..Stepped into the toilet and felt something dry and weird beneath my foot.. Looking down at wad I stepped on..a closer look..omg! == a dried up, badly squashed lizard == so gross can?!!


    I miss him;
    I miss his big bear hug;
    I miss his little finger intertwined wif mine;
    I miss waking up to see his smiling face beside mi;
    I miss cuddling up to him;
    I miss his silly lame jokes;
    I miss his fingers tousling my hair;
    I miss playing wif the hair on his arms;
    I miss him..

    Him who has alwiz been there for me;
    Him who understands me most;
    Him with whom I can be myself most;
    Him who can tolerate my temper;
    Him the silly boy who made me feel like singing Liang Jin Ru's "zhi nen bao zhe ni" song;
    Him whom I chose to let go..

    The barrier in my heart;
    The barrier in their hearts;
    He said he wish wad I wish too;
    Love's decision is no longer a two person's ting;
    Seriously I am afraid;
    I am confused.

    Frankly I am still living in the shadows of him whom I painted a beautiful picture yet only to be crushed finally;
    Him whom I onli get "bear" hugs at night;
    Him who had probably thrown me to the back of his mind.
    Yet the him who cares, who still loves, who still remembers,
    But yet the barriers and distances felt..

    Searching for answers. I have only myself to defeat.

    8:11 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, October 5, 2008

    After coming back from holidays, I realised I have gained in places where I dun wish to gain! T___T

    Coming back from holidays is hell for mi at work. Loads of work to be done. I wish I can juz dun come back..Confidence level is decreasing..fatigue level is increasing..I find myself more and more unable to cope wif the work level that I am given now, after the job reallocation. I felt reali stuffed up and could hardly breathe. Next week is a super busy week. Monday to rush up accounts, Tuesday to go client's place, Wednesday to go Words Training, Thursday rush up work again, Friday suppose to have bowling organized by company or am I supposed to go down to client's place to rush up the accounts? Cant help worrying about the ufinished work, even on a weekend.

    Time to register for exams again..tink my father will surely scream at mi if I tell him I juz wan to take one this seating..lol..

    " Serena, you nid to remain strong or be even stronger, especially now that tings are not the same animore..without the pillar..U muz still survive. Smile your wae through cuz U wun wan to be a fallen star =]Jiayous! "

    5:51 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena