
Name: Serena
Birthday: 15th August 19xx

A girl who
1. enjoys the company of friens.
2. loves listening to sad love songs.
3. loves the seaside.
4. likes cute stuff/electronic gadgets.
5. hates being ignored.
6. dislikes being taken for granted.
7. hates the smell of cigarette smoke.
8. dislikes taking initiative all the time.
9. tends to be quiet at 1st x.x
10.can be very talkative @ times
In short, I am


  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • ♥ The Time

    ♥ Talk To Me

    ♥ Da Song

    Wo She Bu De 我舍不得 (Demo 版) - Hagen Tan 陈孟奇
    Friday, January 30, 2009

    Back track to Chinese New Year. One word: BORING. The mundane usual routine. Visit my ahma and ahgong in the morning, then wait for relatives to gather. Eat the bee hoon, fried rice, nian gao my ahma cooks. Then afternoon go Ahpo house visit ahpo and wai gong. Alwiz look forward to the pig stomach soup she cooks. And the huge huge prawns..and the chicken..etc etc..Love her cooking! Alwiz eat my fav beehoon at ahma house then save my stomach space for ahpo's food :D

    Sisters talked about opening a clothes shop together at far east plaza. Eileen says it is profitable as she worked there before. Sounds exciting but at the same time risky. Wonder this plan is feasible? The rental is high..

    After 2 days break, back to work on Wednesday. Slogged hard, did ot till late in the night. Wana clear my work as much as possible. Well, work is neverending. But I managed to mit my deadline today and I am glad. Thanks to my manager and supervisors' cooperation that I am back home now :) My manager rushed through the review. 3 days work reviewed in juz less than an hour. And proud to sae, wif only one or two minor mistakes. :)

    I feel tired, my throat is sore..my eyes are closing..

    2:47 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, January 25, 2009

    Chinese New Year has arrived. Somehow I never liked Chinese New Year other than the little extra money that we get from angbaos. It's juz like any other normal day to mi, a gathering, sit down together and eat.. or rather, greet, sit, eat, entertain ourselves, go home. Boring. It's the occassion I dislike the most.

    Aniwae, wasnt a fruitful trip shopping wif SISSY Daze ( is sister, for goodness sake -.-") at Far East Plaza and Bugis Street -.-" *F3* End up I din buy aniting or was I too choosy? Cut my hair and fringe and it ended up sorta ruined. Or isit cuz I am not used to it? Haiz. And the laoban niang sort of temporarily curled my hair at the bottom. Curls reali dun suit mi la..told her it's not nice, she kept saying it's nice, say shouldn't alwiz straight straight, muz change abit, then the woman beside mi still kept agreeing and nodding her head, "very nice! nice!" In my head, it was like, "Nice ge pi la!" Wad else can I sae, but rush to the toilet after paying, to wet my curls. I miss my fringe... :( and my hair.. zzz...

    Juz had vegetarian reunion dinner wif my relatives from my father's side..the servings were kinda big, and by the 2nd dish, we were oredi quite full. Tou tong..wad should I wear tomorrow?

    Excited about next weekend though, before enjoying, muz suffer those 3 days of hard work...ot again I guess..sianz..Looked through the internet and found these nice nice views..so these are wad I will be expecting when I get there next weekend to relax. :D Its juz the weekends..but away from home! hoho. I guess the scenery should be pretty nice. I love beaches! Cant wait. =X

    I wanna catch the sunrise and the sunset. :D

    Happy CNY everybody ;)

    9:19 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Today I took off from work. Not that I dun have aniting to do. Juz wan to take a day off to rest. Wun have the LUXURY OF TIME to take off next week, unlike my colleagues who took the whole of Chinese New Year week off. Tomorrow back to office to rush my work. Feeling kind of phobia over the accounts job that I am gonna do. It sounds complicating..And I HATE using premium!

    Manager called us into his room 3 days ago, telling us how the recession has somehow hit us. He said we are one of the most overworked teams, that I totally agree. The work is neverending! He says he will give out 6 payroll jobs to the other teams who do not have that much work to do. But aniwae, I highly doubt my portfolio will be affected much, since my biggest payroll client is Singtel, and yeay, it wun be affected! hoho! And oso cuz its mostly accounts. But I wish he will take out 1 or 2 accounts job from mi and pass them to my colleagues! I m kinda overloaded! T.T

    Anihow, am I sway or wad? Wanted to lvl up, left onli less than 1% to go..wanted to lvl up today BUT audi is having maintainence and patching?!!! Dots. Everytime audi seems to patch when I am resting at home. so zzz!

    And yea, thanks Den for entertaining mi yesterday wif the gaga stories I requested, though I got "cheated" somehow cuz they end up not being gaga stories! Rawr! But aniwae, thanks for entertaining mi :)

    10:12 AM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, January 19, 2009

    Basically yesterday I was quite a happy girl.

    The day started off boring yesterday. Noting much to do, so slept for hours. Then wake up, logged in audi. Noting interesting, so logged out. After a while, Den signed into msn. Haha! Victim! Disturbed him in msn cuz of something and oso cuz I bored. Then Den ask mi wan go play my favourite mode - beatup anot? So we went audi play a while. =X Den pro sia, wad mode oso so zai! F3! Mogui oso came to join us after some time. When I went off for dinner, Den went off for his supposed CKT.

    Rotted in msn a while, then xqr ask mi wan go audi anot. So I went in. He created a room, but dc in the game. Lol. And kept dc-ing. Audi kept auto-kick him out, until he so pek chek.HAHA. Then I made new friens in that room. All the people in the room became my friens =X Then Den came back to audi finally. Mogui pmed mi and say her kor still haven logged in audi. lolz. Then Den joined us after eating his dinner. Mogui oso joined. xqr din come in our room le. He say duno y play wif other ppl wun dc, but play wif us jiu keep dc. rawr! Then new friens came back to the room, together wif old friens like cyber, bel, big bully and rosy too. Happy~ Whole room all my friens :) I love times like this and do miss the times playing wif Den and Bel. Long time since we played together and thanks for waiting for mi! =X Not tired so played until 2 am :)

    Today back to office. Ate something in the morning for breakfast, then 11.30 am got this mini bdae celebration for one colleague, so ate one slice of chocolate cake. Couldnt even finish that piece of cake. Kinda full. So din go out dabao lunch too. Thats y I am here blogging! :D

    One ting sway..my lappy hao le..now my ipod spoil! :( Cant even on! Bo music on the wae to and back from work today..hope to get it repaired soon!

    tata~! =D

    1:10 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, January 17, 2009

    Read back on my earlier posts..reflected on ur audi nick..Shouldnt be feeling this way again..but yet, I cant stop myself from wavering..

    It's alwiz easier said than done. I searched the net for answers, though ironically, I knew it wun be of much help. Neither would I stop feeling the way I am feeling now, cuz the biggest enemy is myself. I have onli myself to defeat.

    I alwiz thought by keeping myself busy, it would stop my mind from tinking. But I am wrong. I will still tink back on the happy times, yearn for those happy times again..I will reflect back and tink, I dun tink the matter is actually really dat bad..I will regret, I will be sad, even when I am angrily scolding the words I dun wish to, and while screaming, and scolding, my heart hurts at the same time. Why? I reali dun mean those words I sae..It was juz at that moment of anger, I juz wana release that frustration, wana make myself better. I made myself slightly better, but I guessed, I made you feel bad..and regretted my actions almost immediately.

    As time goes by, the "sigh" does reali gets heavier. Everyting seems dull, juz felt reali lost. Its like I duno myself animore. Why cant I stop all this? Why cant I defeat myself? I noe the answer myself. I din wan to stop. And it shouldnt be the case!

    I find myself still stuck. I din actually overcome my feeling of sadness. As the article I was reading said, I was merely postphoning it by doing so many other tings, in the name of forgetting..when the key is, I am still focusing on the subject.

    Sometimes cant help wondering y I should lose sleep over this when probably you are oredi in your dreamland, probably you are out there smiling when I am here frowning and crying my heart out. Then again, I cant help but comfort myself, probably you are not feeling ani better.

    I am sorry if my words in my earlier posts hurt you. I din mean it...

    Hope that everyting is going on smoothly for you..

    6:06 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, January 14, 2009

    These are the fotos of the food we ate in Excelsior Hotel.

    I weighed myself this morning. And to my horror, I did gain some weight! Arrggghhh! Dieting seems necessary after satisfying cravings! RAWR! But how to diet when YJ's dad, named chef by YJ, keeps cooking my favourite foods during weekend! The spicy stingrays he cooks, one word, "DELICIOUS"..I remembered the very first time I went to his house, I fell in love with the sliced fish soup he cooked, cuz it had this gingery taste..and after that, he cooked it almost every weekend, until I grew tired of it. Then I loved the curry chicken he cooked, and he cooked it almost every weekend too! And now, this stingray, it had been going on for 2 Sundays in a row. I am so gonna grow fat!

    Print screened my pet society house..so sparsely decorated. Kelian de babybunny :(

    And, piggie asked this qn," How do you measure happiness? " Well, I searched the internet for the answer. After surfing the net, this is wad I gathered.
    Happiness is wad everyone desires for but it is oso not surprising to see many people still unhappy or looking for happiness in the wrong places.
    Someone else cannot make you happy. True happiness comes from knowing yourself and your values and wad you like to do. People who depend on others for their personal happiness are often bitterly disappointed. For mi, I don deny I do depend on others for my personal happiness. Even doing tings I dun like, as long as the other party I love, feels happy, his/her happiness makes mi feel happy. But often than not, when that party is not around, or is feeling down, I feel bitter and sad too. You cannot be happy all the time. Happiness is an experience. It is a feeling you have when you are doing something you enjoy, spending time with someone you love, or just remembering something from the past. It is a temporary state controlled by your attitude towards the events, the people and things in your life. No one can be wif you throughout your whole lifetime. Its your perspective towards your life. Well, this is reali hard..I am still trying :)
    A statement by Robert Louis Stevenson to tink about :
    " Make the best of your circumstances, No one has everything and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with the gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. Don't take yourself too seriously. You can't please everybody; don't let your neighbors set your standards, do the things you enjoy doing, but stay out of debt. Don't borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder to bear than the actual ones. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish enmities, grudges. Don't hold post-mortems. Don't spend your life brooding over sorrow and mistakes. Don't be one who never gets over things. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself. Keep busy at something. A very busy person never has time to be unhappy."
    Life's been still hectic as usual, but I still feel quite happy. I guess, being busy does help. It takes worries away from my mind for a moment. I dun wan to let another tear drop again. I wan to control my own life, change my perspective towards the tings I do. It's reali hard to forget certain tings, but I need to try.
    Pig, jiayou! :)
    And xqr, looks like tings r going pretty well for you now huh huh?? Jiayou on you noe wad, and oso on your career ah!

    9:06 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, January 12, 2009

    Saturday night, had this super craving for DIM SUM! So searched the net for dim sum buffets, my favourite! Then found this place where there were many reviews made on it, the one at Excelsior Hotel. :) So, to satisfy my craving, YJ agreed to accompany mi go eat dim sum! =X Tx dear!

    The buffet starts at 11.30am and ends at 2:30pm. We did not eat our breakfast, because we intend to eat our money's worth there. Hoho. While I was writing the number of plates we wan for each type of dim sum, I told YJ.." Are we ordering too many? Later cannot finish how?" Cuz the policy is, any balance uneaten food will be charged. Rawr. And YJ said proudly," Dun worrie, I am very hungry now. You cannot finish, I finish for you. " So we order lor..order and order. Wrote many 2 plates each.

    Service was quite slow at first. After a long time of waiting, finally one small little dish came nia, ..then after waiting for another 10 minutes or so, our table was suddenly filled wif lots of dian xin! We ate and we ate. Then I laughed and laughed, laughed like a siao char bo. Told YJ I have never eaten a meal until so happily before. Lol. Then he added that he never ate a meal until so tong ku before. LOL. His stomach shouted " ENOUGH!" when the pai gu he ordered, came, and mine shouted "STOP!" when the char siew baos I ordered, came. Kept drinking the chinese tea. Felt better after holding that char siew bao in my hand for a long long time. xD I was reali damn full. We asked the waitress if we can cancel the rest of the food that we ordered, that were not served yet. Luckily, the waitress replied, "CAN!" =D Heng ah..Then we ordered our desert - Mango Pudding. Shiok! I like the mango pudding! Loves~

    Xin fu xin fu de gan jue! I felt happy! :)

    Happiness = Simplicity.

    That's the formula I derived at. I guess, people wif complicating minds, will find it harder to be happy. Afterall, having a simple mind will lessen lots of unnecessary worries and thoughts, and leading an ordinary life beats it all. Money is important, yes, but money cannot buy happiness. A rich person is not necessarily happy cuz he or she doesn't have the taste of the life ordinary people lead..Likewise, an expensive ting doesn't necesarily weigh a cheaper gift down. Instead, you may like the cheaper gift more, cuz you need it more, or it is more meaningful to you.

    Thanks dear for staying till so late trying to solve my damn lappy problem, especially today when you are on standby..Thanks dear for making mi feel really loved and appreciated by you. And thanks dear for continuing to walk through this journey of life wif mi. You make mi realise the simplicity of life.

    Other than being still busy at work as usual, wif neverending piles of work on my desk, life is still passable. Thanks to my laogonggong, dazey, happy, xqr and piggie. Loves you all.

    *wanted to post the photos of the dian xin BUT i cant seem to post them up! So I will post them when I am free and when I can. RAWR*

    [[ 1:40AM ]]

    11:30 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, January 10, 2009

    故事里的, 起承转合
    有一些忘记 做了多少错误的选择
    原来波折 才暗示着 该走的方向
    指引你我来到这一刻 就算别人都说 我们没什么出息
    Cause Youre My Everything

    就一个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
    想给你Everything 不管用多少个明天
    永远从此刻开始算起 你的爱是我的Everything
    辽阔天际 巧合相遇 有多少机率 多少烟火 坠落无痕迹
    因为幸福 没有捷径 难免要绕道 不被看好越是要走到

    就这个原因 让我勇敢面对这个世界
    只要你说一声愿意 所有的未来才有意义 就如这个原因






    4:27 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    My heart died, since yesterday night. Couldnt sleep and din want to sleep. Mind and heart was full of sorrow and hatrad. But after waking up this morning, I hope I have become a brand new me. :)

    Thanks for all the support, xqr and pig. =D

    I guess, a simple love life, is one where you feel pampered, you feel loved. One where the other party

    • will worry about you when you are not home yet
    • worry whether you have had your meals
    • onli wans you to be happy
    • shares wadever he/she has with you
    • tinks of you and cares for you
    • holds on to you and not letting you go, walking together wif you every step of the way.
    • is more eager to let you own something you nid and want.

    I am happi I found mine. He alwiz rings mi to ensure my safety if I am working late in the office, juz like today. Once I am online, he msns mi. Every little benefit he gets, he will tink of sharing it wif his loved ones. I guess this is the simple love from a simple guy. Thanks YJ. <3 Gonna start treasuring and cherishing people who deserve and appreciates mi. :)

    Worked ot again today. This time till 9:30pm! Mi and my stressed colleagues ordered mcdonalds for dinner. Tired! Tomorrow going client place! x.x Tata!~

    10:28 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Tuesday, January 6, 2009

    Those freaking words reali cut mi deep. I changed? Haha, why din I tink so? At least I din tink my attitude towards u changed since day one. So easy for you to say those freaking words. FREAK! FREAK! FREAK!

    Yuan lai, I am not even a small little dot to you. NOT EVEN A SMALL LITTLE DOT! GET THIS CLEAR IN UR BRAIN, SERENA! WHY BOTHER??!!!

    T.F.G..I reali nid a hard knock on my head. KNOCK MI HARD, SOMEONE! I wish I will never wake up from it..cuz I dun deserve to. I deserve all this, after all I have gone through..


    [[ 2:11 AM ]]

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, January 5, 2009

    Din blog in office for quite some time oredi. Now is lunch break, and I am RESTING.. :) Supervisor is back, and unlike wad I expected, so far so good, so far her mood very piao liang..and I am a little happier today. My moods I guess, are easily affected by people around mi. So most probably when my friens are in the worst of moods, I will most likely be in the same state..

    Deadlines, deadlines and more deadlines! Accounts, nid to worry about handing up the accounts at an earlier date for the auditors. Payroll, nid to worry about IR8A. And the daily monthly expected workload..Haiz..Those damn emails kept coming. All wan this now, this week, blahblah. So zz..

    And haha, so nice of my damn lappy to crash yesterday night, and considering reformatting had been done not long ago, and now it wun even start! Wad the heck! I wan a VAIO! Can juz throw that damn lappy away and get my VAIO?!

    YJ won a little at TOTO yesterday night. So happy is he that he's gonna give mi a little treat today. :) Haha, 2009 seems to be a good year for everyone, except mi, and maybe piggie? Piggie, do cheer up too. And xqr, thanks for your listening ear. =]

    Jian Dan de xinfu, probably I have found it..

    12:54 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, January 4, 2009

    I guess, words that I write here, U dun even c or probably, U dun even bother at all bah. No matter how I struggled, no matter how I tried, that world of you is totally shut...today, tomorrow and in the future... Virtual vs Reality, no matter how I fight, I still lost.

    I alwiz dreamt of fairytale endings, even sad endings that will still end up happily ever after..juz like the very classic example of a girl, about to marry in a church..suddenly the guy she liked, appeared, and shouted, "STOP!" That moment, I guess, should be wad we call a Happy ending? Haha then again, it's still a dream and it's juz forever a dream.

    Dun wake mi up from my dream..cuz onli in my dream, I can do the impossible..

    7:19 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, January 1, 2009

    Yesterday logged in audi..yet another disappointment..cant help but sigh..

    Aniwae yea, xqr asked mi if I wana go out countdown together wif Xia Tian..in the end decided next time bah..aniwae it was cancelled and he din go as a result..so we spent our countdown of 2008 yesterday night in audi..then made some new friens =] Later pig finally came to find mi..which was like hours after I logged in audi :( After that friens logged in..then went to join them too until I got dc-ed and couldnt login for a while..It was oredi 3+ am..Thats how I spent my countdown yesterday...yet again wif piggie..last yr spend wif her talking on the fone till her batt went flat..this year spend it wif her in audi..haha..was fun..disappointing..nice..sad..mixture of feelings..Tx for your company my dear friens :)

    Today watched this show wif YJ and his parents. " Dou Nu Yao Bu Yao " Cant help but luff and cry while watching this show. My tears juz rolled down! Arrgghh..arent I emotional? Tried hard to stop them from rolling down..but they juz wun listen! I wish I was Hebe's character in the show. Lol..Very nice show..though it's quite an old show and I haven watched finish..If you havent watched it yet, watch it! Highly recommended :) Yep so I spent the 1st day of 2009 crying..haha..F3

    Later got lots of bang guang and you tiao de rojak to eat liao. Hoho. =X And tmr back to work..and 1 hour + of training of IR8A at a faraway ulu ulu place == By hook by crook, I nid to finish my work by 12..Hope I can make it! GOD BLESS MI!
    Here's wishing everyone a Happy 2009..hopefully everyone will be blissfully healthy and dun make new year resolutions. I juz read that making new year resolutions could lead to depression and low self esteem..so highly not recommended! ;) JIAYOU EVERYONE! [ 5:25 pm ]
    Supposed to feel happy..lol..I guess "happy" doesnt belong to my dictionary in 2009...Wadever I do..it will juz turn out negatively..wadever I do is never right in ur eyes. Yes, I am hurt, sad, disappointed..Can you juz spare a thot for my feelings..bother to spare one? I can onli just keep it all inside mi. And I din noe I am such a person to you all this while. 2009 juz isnt any better..I feel stuffed within..who will care? Sux feeling..reali sux!

    10:53 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena