
Name: Serena
Birthday: 15th August 19xx

A girl who
1. enjoys the company of friens.
2. loves listening to sad love songs.
3. loves the seaside.
4. likes cute stuff/electronic gadgets.
5. hates being ignored.
6. dislikes being taken for granted.
7. hates the smell of cigarette smoke.
8. dislikes taking initiative all the time.
9. tends to be quiet at 1st x.x
10.can be very talkative @ times
In short, I am


  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • ♥ The Time

    ♥ Talk To Me

    ♥ Da Song

    Wo She Bu De 我舍不得 (Demo 版) - Hagen Tan 陈孟奇
    Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Wad do you tink of when you look at this picture?
    Well, the cat in the picture is preparing for its next attack. It looks wary of its surroundings. It looks suspicious. It looks like it will probably attack soon in order to survive. Thats what I see in my office right now.
    Kinda felt sian by the situation in the office now. Yes, there are some of us obviously overloaded wif work and some who r absoultely free wif nth much to do on hand. In short, the job allocation is not balanced out at all. Can I say that there is bais-ness involved and many hidden agendas? Till yesterday, I found out the reason why VVV accounts cum payroll was transferred out of my sup's care. Tings apparently aren't as simple as they look and I dun c a need for such tings to occur. Heard alot and feeling weary and wary. Some jobs allocations are written for show to make my colleague's portfolio look good. In actual fact, tings isn't wad they appear to be.
    Unhappiness arise. A competitor is spotted. My colleague actually told mi she's not going to share the info or do a proper handover. To her, since her competitor is so highly thought of, so let it be, let her figure out herself. Hais..I am affected cuz I am the one doing this job, and her competitor reviewing my work. Survival, as she puts it.
    Felt sian since the time I told my manager about my deadlines clashing and yet noting done to smoothen tings out. Noting at all. Its pretty obvious who is overloaded and who is not. But yet, noting is done.
    Today, surprisingly, manager called my fone to enquire about my client's stuff. Then, he came to my desk to pass mi back the work he had reviewed. In the past, he would go to my sup for enquiries or passing her the files and work. Today, obviously there is a change in attitude.
    Kinda sick of office politics. Kinda sick of the fake world. Kinda sick of people stepping over each other's toes. Thank you for tinking so highly of me, thank you for loading mi wif lots of work, but I do noe my limits and capacity. I am tired. I am sick of hearing tings like, "be careful of so and so. Tings arent so simple".
    *Thanks last night for keeping your promise. Thanks for everyting and for making my day :) *

    1:39 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Yesterday was feeling reali down and redundant. Felt all alone though "physically" there were people around. Was upset and wanted to be alone for a while till you came online and brightened up my day. :) I guess this picture could describe how I felt yesterday night. Finally, you werent that cold to mi and even gave mi some updates before retiring to bed as you werent feeling well.
    Hope you are feeling better today oredi. :) Cant wait for the day to end!

    1:26 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Tuesday, February 24, 2009


















    10:42 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, February 21, 2009

    YJ bought this watch for mi the other day cuz I was complaining my watch's time kept delaying. He was 80% sure I would like this watch and couldnt wait to show it to mi. Yes, I do like it cuz it sparkles and gleams! Thanks :)

    Yesterday night YJ went to attend his company's annual dinner, determined to win a TV set back. Haha. But there was no TV set as prize yesterday. The best was a labtop. Aniwae, he got the 35th Prize - S$80.00 gift voucher from Takashimaya. He asked mi to go Taka to spend that $80.00 gift voucher. Then I thought of buying a perfume. Den and Jade thought it was a good idea, haha..so tadah, I went there with the mindset to buy a perfume!

    Passed by branded perfumes and thought I should pamper myself once in a while. How about a Guess perfume? =X Asked for the price, and it cost S$79.00. Juz nice. I noe though, that this perfume would cost cheaper elsewhere, but dunch care la, aniwae free, so bought it. =D Nice~ Smells Expensive. F3. Spent it in juz 5 minutes!

    Bought 2 stickers for my ezlink card. Hehee..cute rite? =X i love piglet!

    Then, we went for lunch. Takashimaya is as crowded as ever. Sheesh. Today someone sort of snatched the table we were waiting at. Before we could go sit, someone came along and signalled to someone else to come sit there. I juz glared at the person. It's obvious we were waiting for the table okay! GRRR. *GLARES HARD* then the woman saw. LOL. She faster ask us go sit there too, WITH THEM. =.= I was clearly bu shuang all the way till they left. YJ said I looked like I wanted to go stab them. LOL.Dunch care la..dun step on mi!

    Duno y nowadaes I feel so sleepy and tired, no matter how much I slept. Went to YJ's house and slept for hours again. YJ's father had wanted to buy 9909 for some reason (4D number). But in the end, he din buy. Now he felt the pinch in the heart, cuz that number came out 2nd prize! T_T Aww..=X
    Aniwae..I guess that's all for today bah..

    *I stubbornly still insist to believe on wad I wish to believe in. In the night, I am myself. In the night, I feel the loneliness. I am sorry I still havent found the courage and determination to set you free.*

    [[1 :18 AM ]]

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    我跌跌撞撞 ;

    Kinda had a bad feeling that I will c something I dun wan to c. You made your first step and broke the first and easier barrier last night..right infront of my eyes, you appearing offline as usual. Second barrier you have left it undone. Thats cuz you do not have enough to accomplish your goal yet. And I noe, it's onli a matter of time that the second barrier will be broken too. But yet, I kept hoping that tings will not turn out the wae I predict. I defended and I fought back. I refused to listen tings I dislike to hear. Call mi stubborn. I just want the good memories to remain. But why does it seem like I am the onli one feeling sad? Why isit that you are so insistent as ever and no one can change your mind? Why isit I have no say at all? You asked for help so that you can accomplish the second. I felt like I am forcing you..Since you feel happier that way, wad else can I do or say? Congrats, you will gain back your freedom very soon. No matter how much I refuse to do it, I guess it will make you feel less stress. So you do not need to appear offline to avoid me, if thats wad you intend to do. Guess you will feel happier that way, afterall, one person suffer is much better than 2 people suffering in sadness and anguish bah? =] You are freed.

    Couldnt sleep last night. Din wan to sleep until I reali couldnt stand it animore. Confided in an acquaintence who within about less than 2 hours, I felt like I need not say ani much more. Without saying aniting, he knows exactly how I am feeling, the stages I am going through and the thoughts running through my mind. I can safely say that within this short period of time, he noes mi much better than ani friens I could have known for years. He told mi his story too. His ex gf, I am surprised, seems to be my exact clone. Every event happening or to happen, every feelings and thoughts, every personality traits that I have or is going through, she is undergoing the exact same ting. I never expected such a very exact mirror reflection. I tink if we noe each other, we would probably end up being the best of friens. But she is so much luckier than mi in a way I guess.

    On the wae home kept repeating a song again and again. Flashbacks keep running through my mind. I felt like a fool. To mi, I felt like everyone around mi are luffing at mi, pointing their fingers at mi and behind my back, they are saying," wad a big fool you are ". It seems to mi, like everyone noes something that I dun. Or perhaps something that I noe, but refusing to realise it. Daggers kept piercing through. Why isit that I dun feel happy at all?

    My confidante left mi these sentences last night. " Nobody can stop you from making your decisions. Do wad you want to do as long as they make you happy. People can say this and that, but only you know what truly makes you happy. Most importantly, dun regret your decisions "

    Having said all these, I tink I have alot to tink about. I am tired of smiling infront of others when I am not okay at all.

    And to you, (you know who you are) thanks for your advice two days ago, no matter how much I refuse to let it sink into my head. You ahould noe by now how I hate to listen to tings I dun wish to listen. I refused to let those words go in. Havent been talking to you for two days oredi. Blame it on my stubborn trait..Sorry for feeling worthless.

    7:27 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Wanted to check if my results have arrived in my inbox..but it has not. Then started to read back on the past emails sent by you, read back on the previous tags you left in my previous blogs. Felt a surge of sadness that I had alwiz tried to hide. Wish we could still communicate like the last time..I dislike the distance felt... :( Hardly got to talk to you these days.. [1:09 pm ]

    Finally..my colleague suddenly told mi results were out. After a night of impatient waiting and morning continuous checks on my inbox, I ..... passed! =] Remembered last time when you knew I was going to get my results, you were there encouraging mi, and till I got it, I remembered the disappointment you tried to hide when I did not make it..Duno if you still bothered, like last time, or whether you do read my blog, juz wanna let you know I passed! ;) Wishing I could share this news wif you immediately... And hope you r feeling better oredi. Hope to talk to u soon.. :(

    10:26 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, February 14, 2009

    Today's February the 14th ~ Valentine's Day. Has cupid struck you yet? =X
    Yesterday after work, met up wif YJ for dinner at a restaurant. Onli ate fried rice wif crab meat and it oredi cost us 31 dollars. And we were still not full yet as we shared that plate of rice. Then wanted to sing Karaoke, but all fully booked. So bobian, went to eat satay and oyster-prawn omellete :) There was a cd shop nearby and it was playing songs that I din hear for a very long time. Cuz I din hear them for a very long time, they sounded nice. Practially singing to the music, and even passerbys were seen mime-ing the lyrics too! After eating, we went to the cd shop to take a look and I saw this cute sign: " WIN A FREE TRIP IN A POLICE CAR BY SHOPLIFTING FROM THIS STORE. " Lmao.
    Today din feel like going aniwhere. Not feeling well but it was Vday! :( Plain sway. Ate a panadol, applied oil on my stomach, and tried hard to sleep which I did so eventually, thank goodness. Woke up feeling better but Vday was as good as three quarters gone.
    Sorry about today, but thanks for being so sweet. :)
    Today's a day that either people will be happy or people will hate bah. Read the new paper today and thought today's paper was interesting. Many heartwarming stories and wishes. There was this bride to be who got hit by a lorry and fell into a coma, and hasnt woken up yet, juz hours before going for the solemnization. Hope she wakes up soon. Pity her husband who is there by her bedside everyday in tears, waiting for her to open her eyes.
    Read oso another article about this guy trying to find the girl he saw on the bus in January. He had set up a website finding for this girl and tomorrow, he will hit the straits times again. Wondered if he found her? I guess chances are slim. Probably the girl oredi has a bf?
    Vday. U again said I changed..but couldnt seem to tell mi how so I have? But felt comforted though that you onlined still, though I could feel the distance and the coldness you seem to put accross. Asked 4 friens if I changed since they last knew me. 1 said I changed, cuz I no longer tell him when I am going to afk or online in the game. 2 said I din, I am still the same. Another said I changed as in I talked less to her, became less friendly in a sense, and less chatty recently. Sorry if I neglected you. Had been very busy at work and very tired when I reach home. My moods were seriously in highs and lows..ups and downs..When I dun feel happy, I tend to keep silent. Sometimes I am juz so tired I lie flat on my bed until hours later when it suddenly dawned on mi my labtop was still on. So sry if I din reply ani of you.
    Physically and mentally drained. Looking back at my fotos of my younger days, I start to miss my primary school, secondary school and poly mates, at least those who were once my close buddies. And I miss the person who said I changed too but I am glad I managed to talk to you today, still. Hope your fever subsides soon. Take plenty or rest and drink lots of water.
    Aniwae, last but not least, happy Vday all..

    5:57 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    It has been getting crazier these days for mi. Work seems to be getting heavier and I am afraid I cant take it animore. I feel like I am already at my maximum. My mind is too tired to tink animore. It keeps spinning, my headache keeps poking mi at one corner of my head, but I still nid to force myself to try to finish as much as possible, if not, I can onli say I am as good as dead for not being able to meet the deadlines. Extremely tired..

    Almost my whole team has been staying back these days, practially trying to finish up the stupid work in our portfolios while other people have oredi gone home to shake their legs. And it is alwiz the same few of us who leave the office last. Yesterday had been crazy. Worked till 9:40 pm in the office. Cabbed home and juz reached home, surprisingly I received an sms from my supervisor who asked mi if I am still in the office doing my work and wad is the progress like. So I updated her, telling her I havent finish my work and wad tings are still left undone. Her sms reply actually read," I will help you do up some schedules tmr morning..Have a good rest." One word," Touched ". Cuz she actually bothered about my progress though this job is already no longer under her care and has juz been transferred to my senior to take care of it. And she bothers to help mi at least when she sees mi struggling, and I guess, oso cuz she has the capacity. And she actually did today, she finished up almost all the schedules for mi today, left one more to go. When I told people this, they said I am easily touched. =.= Perhaps. Small gestures like this reali makes mi feel happy.

    Today ot-ed as well. YJ waited for mi to finish work. Told him I still need to finish up some work first, and he actually said he would wait for mi downstairs and throughout, he did not even call mi to chase mi to hurry up and finish my work and I am reali grateful. I was rushing, trying to finish up the journal entries keying in. Dead beat and I feel giddy. Having the migrane and totally "lifeless". Finally finished the data entries and it was oredi 7:35pm. Packed my tings and hurriedly rushed downstairs. He had oredi waited for mi for more than one and a half hours. Needless to say, I felt apologetic and touched. :) And thanks for the 2009 calendar..

    Super glad it's Friday tomorrow. Cant wait for the day to end later, when it havent even started. I need a break. Break from work..and break from heartaches..Phobia. *Closes eyes* Hope I never get to c wad I dun wish to c happening. So far it hasnt and I hope it wun.

    Read on Den's blog that he is going on a cruise this Sunday. Hope he enjoys himself. I wish I can go on one too..haha..but probably I will onli end up seasick, juz like the last time when I was on board one.

    [[ 12:32 am ]]

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, February 8, 2009

    I kept tinking about the dream I made a few days back. Din dream for quite some time oredi, so was tinking perhaps this dream has some hidden meanings. I guess I can onli conclude, I am running away from myself..running away from reality..but thankfully, I got out of it in the end..yet someone else, is still stuck, and never got out of it. Shouldnt I be the one devoured instead? At least that's how I feel now.

    I wish I can run away from everyting. Throw down everyting and disappear. But I noe, I will juz be running away from my responsibilities and running away from myself.

    Time and time again I noe this was going to happen, noe that this was going to surface again some day..haha..and true enuf, it did today. Shouldn't I be strong enuf by now? Shouldn't I have gotten used to this oredi? But why am I alwiz left wif no choices at all? Why dun I have any say at all? Why why why and why? I wish there are answers to my questions.

    Tinking about today and tmr's work totally pulled my moods down. Gonna remove the "thick layer of makeup" and go to bed soon..I feel stranded..I feel tired. (2:08 am)

    11:59 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Saturday, February 7, 2009

    Was escaping from somebody together wif Dazey a few days ago..managed to unlock a door, and we rushed in. Then I realised we were in a place full of tigers and lions, there were some on the trees, some on the ground! They looked at us, and all I remembered, was I immediately asked my sis to run back to the door and I following behind her. Managed to lock the door and heave a sigh of relief. Then at that moment, I saw through the glass window, a man running for his dear life in the place full of tigers and lions, but he did not make it out alive. The hungry animals devoured him alive. Then I woke up. Couldnt find the dream interpretation :( Guess I was too tired and stressed..

    Wednesday was OT day for mi..

    Thursday 6pm was our company CNY dinner, held in a restaurant near our office. Lo Hei, followed by the predictable boring dishes that even my mum can guess correctly in order. Dinner ended at about 8pm and we made our wae back home, while some colleagues went back to the office to rush their work.

    Yesterday I had planned to finish my payroll work, so that I can concentrate fully on my accounts jobs when my senior returns on Monday..but haiz..my plan was spoilt. 11:30am we had the monthly birthday celebration, ate cake, ate the food bought for the celebration. And of cuz lo hei again.. x.x" The cake was nice! Chocolate + minty =D Auditors kept ringing my fone asking questions and this and that. Normally if my senior was around, she would be the one handling this, as she is more familiar wif the work, since I onli started doing it about 3 -4 months back. And duno y, they were asking questions about 2007! x.x" Haiz..in fact i din even noe wad I did for the whole day..I din seem to do alot..there were so much interruptions! T.T I wonder how terrible next week will be..everything is urgent..Haiz..

    And time reali flies very fast..it was our vacation trainee, KH's last day in our office yesterday..Haiz..I hate partings...he bought us cakes from emicakes. Nice! He gave mi the durian + chocolate flavour cake. Love it..After giving us the cakes, he left the office.. :( I will miss the times when there is someone to lend mi a helping hand when I nid one..I will miss his smiles..next vacation trainee will be in onli in March..it seems like onli a while back when KS left us..now KH has left us..*sighs*

    After work went to c exhibition wif YJ at Suntec. :) And signed a package....

    1:15 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009


    *Ringgg Ringgg* [Picks up phone]
    Manager: Serena, could you spare mi a minute please?
    Me: Sure.

    [Puts down fone and enters Manager's room]

    Manager: Wan to talk to you regarding your portfolio. Remember I mentioned we are giving out 6 small payroll jobs to the other teams? Basically, there is not much changes to your portfolio..WWW and VVV payroll jobs will be taken out from your portfolio. They are relatively small and easy to do, so we are handing them to others to do..does this make much of a difference?

    Me: Actually not much.. [tinks to myself: these payroll jobs take onli a few hours to do, and they are not my main concern, since the jobs dun reali clash wif my major jobs. ==]

    Manager: Okay, aniwae, as u noe, you have a new payroll client, which should be starting this month if noting goes wrong..

    Me: Erm..how many employees are there for this new client?

    Manager: About 4. They may increase as time goes by, not too sure about that. Aniwae, no worries. It is a small payroll job, relatively easy to do, I believe..

    Me: It's juz that they will be prepared about the same time as I prepare the SSS payroll reports..(tinks to myself: Remove two payroll jobs, include one new payroll job..wads the difference? Not much mah. ==" And since this is a new client, won't I spend abit more time on it too since it is the 1st time i will be doing it??)

    Manager: Dun worrie about it. We are not even sure if they wan to start this month.

    Me: Actually I am worried about the VVV accounts and my SSS payroll jobs deadlines clashing together..(tinks to myself: He onli took out the VVV payroll job. No difference, since its the accounts job that clashes wif my SSS deadline..and I am kinda new to the VVV accounts.It looks complicating and the schedules are alot!)

    Manager: Wad do you have to do, after the payroll reports are sent out for SSS?

    Me: Prepare bank letters, GIRO..and given that the EPE portal is not up yet, I need to do double work for this month and probably next month too, for the data entry..

    Manager: Roughly how long can u finish?

    Me: Normally 1-2 days? (I din list out other adhoc stuffs like generating the payhistories and answering the clients' queries and amendments to payroll reports, if any too. These do take up time too)

    Manager: Cuz I want you to start on the VVV accounts. I want you to learn how to close the full sets of accounts yourself for VVV. Prioritise your work. Whichever is more important, finish that first..You have the potential. Have confidence in yourself. You can do it. One ting about you is you lack abit of confidence. You have the potential, so, be confident.
    *looks at the portfolio* By the wae, dun compare the revenue you generate, compared wif Angel's. The main point is not the revenue. We wan to make sure the jobs are spread out evenly. And your portfolio looks good. Actually, for your level, it is already considered quite light.

    Me: (Tinks to myself: Light??!!! Prioritise??? Sometimes do you know how hard it is when there comes moments when everything is urgent? where deadlines clash?? And workload considered light?? When I do so many hours of OT? I guess, people who dun actually do the work themselves, will noe how much work and effort is put into that work. Review can juz take one hour. The time taken for the work to be done can take days. == *tinks back on his words, which he mentioned a few days back to all of us in the team. (Any problem wif tight deadlines, let me noe, and I will c wad I can do wif your portfolio.) Haiz..forget it..he oredi said like that. Wad else can I say? )

    Manager: Any ting u wan to ask about your portfolio?

    Me: (Wad else can I still say?) No....

    After the talk, I still felt there isnt much of a difference. I am getting sick of the work..It onli takes time for mi to either accept it, or, reject it. We shall c..

    And, he wans us to let him noe our leave dates, which include our study leaves as well for the whole of year 2009. I duno how to start planning, so early in the year for the whole year. And he wants it by mid Feb. How am I suppose to plan? I realli duno...

    8:39 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena

    Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Back from Batam ;)

    Friday took time off, came home and slacked in audi before cabbing down to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal in the evening. Collected our boarding pass, checked in our luggage bag then checked in at the immigration. After some time of waiting, finally we are off, on our wae to Batam.

    Choppy seas on board Sea Flyte, a non aircon ferry wif many smokers all around, who dun seem to noe how to read the english words written on the walls of the ferry, that says "No Smoking". Reali dislikes the smell of smoke. Wonder why are cigarettes called xiang yan and not chou yan?!!

    Reached Batam, was oredi about 8pm singapore time and the sky was oredi dark though it was onli 7pm there.. Went to collect our luggage..the person asked,"Is this urs? 1? okay, S$1 please." == still nid pay money. Then there was supposedly someone from our hotel, holding up our names, who will bring us to the hotel but there wasn't any. Instead, there were lots of cab drivers who kept asking us to hop on their cabs. We of cuz declined, we were supposed to get free transfer to our hotel which was not far away?? Called the hotel laoban who was apologetic and sent someone over immediately.

    A mini van came, and before it came to a total stop, the door opened, and a man hurriedly got off the van, ran towards us and kept apologising. Helped us carry our bag, opened and closed the van door. And we are on our wae to PuraJaya Beach Resort. The roads were dark, wif few street lamps and there were hardly any buildings in sight. A totally deserted sight. Finally we reached the hotel, and again the man hurriedly got out of the van to open our door and carry the luggage to the counter. There, we took our room key and was even given a welcome drink :) I asked the critical question. Is our room facing the beach? That was what I had requested for when booking the trip at the agency..so wanted to stress it again because I would love to stay in a room wif a beautiful view. And the counter lady said "yes yes". The people there seem courteous and it was a thumbs up. The man then helped to carry our luggage to our room, and on the wae, kept saying sorry for the delay in getting to the hotel because he was the onli one on duty that day. Though it was not an excuse, he was sincere and hardworking, so we gave him a tip. :) Drew the curtains to check if there was beach view..but but but!! there infront of us, is grass view?? Yes..the beach can be seen, far away if we look to the side. == Aniwae, suan le..was tired and once on the bed, fell aslp almost immediately.

    PuraJaya Beach Resort

    Nice swimming pool. :) View taken after our breakfast the next day. Then went to the seaside nearby..the sea there...kinda different from wad we see in the fotos. =="

    Our footprints. :X

    The artist hard at work O_O

    hehe..decided not to post fotos showing our faces cuz they dun look nice. ==! Windswept hair + ugly fringe! T.T

    Many coconut trees around the beach, and look! though i doubt you will be able to c..a man climbing the tree, cutting down the leaves!

    Found two chairs below a coconut tree wif no coconuts, and facing the sea..hehe..so we laid there for a while, waseh..shiok! Wif the sea breeze blowing on our faces :)

    Wanted to find activities. Enquired about the activities and their prices..but it was so costly we decided to stay and rot in our hotel room instead. S$25 per hour for karaoke session. S$35.00 for one way cab trip down to the mall, and S$50.00 for return cab trip. I believe the distance between our hotel and the shopping centre should not be so far to cost us that much, and we decided not to go the shopping malls there. Heard there isnt aniting there..Even the hotel onli has 2 shops which arent interesting..S$10.00 per hour for bicycle ride...etc..

    Watched tv, and I slept slept and slept. I never slept so much in my life before! x.x" Bought our lunch in the hotel, which costs us like S$18 per person when we ordered like onli a drink and a dish each, and which included 21% tax and service charge. So..are we supposed to consider ourselves lucky that Singapore tax is onli 1/3 of theirs?? ><" Had alwiz thought the standard of living in Singapore is high..but suddenly felt kind of lucky to be staying in Singapore..At night, called for room service for our dinner..and had to pay extra money which should be the room service charge bah..The waiter was kind, on-ed the fan for us for fear its hot for us, and kept saying sry for the non-aircon..

    Woke up this morning, went down for our breakfast and confirmed our ferry return trip timing at the hotel lobby. And to our horror, when we handed them our boarding pass, they said the departure slip on our boarding passes have been torn off. And now we cant return Singapore unless we buy a one wae return ticket. ==which will cost us S$59.00 for two tickets, including seaport tax. Haiz..talked to the hotel laoban..he tried to help us, but there wasnt any other solution except to buy another ticket back..Haiz..yuan wang money flew away. Although the ticket states two wae, the departure portion had been torn away by the immigration and we couldnt return to Singapore cuz of this. == We din do much there, but oredi spent lots of yuan wang qian.. :( and if you tink we are sway, according to the hotel people, there are many such cases oredi..SO...if you happen to go to batam, please check ur boarding passes!

    Finally on our wae home back to Singapore, this time in an air con ferry.

    The view from the window in the ferry. I love the waters and the strong current! :P

    Back to YJ's house. His daddy waited for us to return to lao yu sheng! And he prepared dinner oredi. This dish made mi "wow" Seems like lots of effort put in for a home meal. :D Century eggs, prawns, chicken, ba gua, abalone! Yummy!

    Sometimes envy him for having such a great father who knows how to cook and who still dotes on his wife so much and having so much patience. Envy him for having so much freedom and yet, knowing the importance of cherishing and appreciating everyting around him.

    The trip was truly..unforgettable. Dun tink I will be back there anitime in the future. One ting good about there, though, was, the people there are really hardworking, courteous and helpful.

    Sometimes, looking at other countries, I start to feel kinda xin li bu ping hen..Seeing them having so much lands yet not putting them to good use, kinda makes mi feel unhappy, upon tinking how Singapore is in need of lands and trying to making pretty good use of the little amount of land we have.

    Sad and disappointed that the gift din seem all that good, but hope U have liked it, abunehneh! hehh. ;)

    8:47 PM

    The Unique Individual~ Serena